Governor Baker announced: Massachusetts will provide residents with 2.1 million free COVID-19 tests-NBC Boston

2021-12-14 14:55:35 By : Ms. Michelle Huang

Governor Charlie Baker announced on Monday that starting this week, the state will begin distributing more than 2.1 million free COVID-19 rapid home test products to communities across Massachusetts to help deal with the increase in infections, while many residents are beginning to be indoors Gather for the holidays.

He said the state will first focus on the 102 communities with the highest percentage of families at or below the poverty line [click here for the full list]. In addition to the 100,000 tests conducted at 1,000 sites in Massachusetts every day, home tests will also be conducted.

"The goal here is to help families who face the greatest financial difficulties and may find it difficult to conduct rapid tests in pharmacies," Baker said. "This will have a real impact on the state."

The move was made after New Hampshire and other states took similar measures to send rapid antigen tests directly to residents. Boston Mayor Wu Shanshan announced last week that she would send 20,000 tests to selected communities.

The team will distribute these tests this week. The initiative will start with the community with the most families living below the poverty line.

These tests will be distributed by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency and the National Guard starting Tuesday. Baker said it may take four to five days to distribute them to everyone.

"When we enter the holidays, these tests will be particularly useful," he said. "Residents will be able to use them so they can safely gather with family and friends."

Baker also said that the state is working with test manufacturers to provide bulk, low-cost procurement transactions for every town in Massachusetts.

"This is not just a one-time distribution of a one-time test," he said.

The state spent $10 million on the iHealth Labs test and will seek reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

CEO Jack Feng accepted an exclusive interview with NBC10 Boston, in which he claimed that his company's COVID-19 test is a "game changer."

"We want to provide our community with affordable, instant results test kits," he said.

The state has reached an agreement with California-based iHealth Labs, which is manufactured in China by its parent company Andon Health, to provide 2.1 million two test kits at a price of $5 each-a fraction of the retail price of $13.98.

"It's about providing a wide range of quick tests to the community, and in many cases, many people who can't buy these tests on their own provide these tests so that they can test them before they go to the party," Baker said.

Feng said that the iHealth Labs test is suitable for children 2 years of age and older and can provide results within 15 minutes.

The CEO pointed out that their test was approved by the FDA for emergency use on December 5, with an accuracy rate of 94% for positive results and 98% for negative results.

Feng said: "Rapid testing can help us slow down the speed of transmission, and ultimately can win the battle against this virus."

Baker said that once they arrive in Massachusetts, each town will decide how to distribute them.

On Monday morning, Governor Karyn Polito and Minister of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders briefed city leaders on the proposal, and the government will rely on the community to put the test in the hands of residents.

When all 2.1 million kits are shipped and distributed to 102 cities, people may not start using one of the test kits until this weekend.

In January, Baker hoped that every municipality could use federal funds to buy more at the same rate.

Dr. Michael Mina, an epidemiologist at Harvard University's Chen Zengxi School of Public Health, said that Massachusetts' new test distribution program is a good start, but the United States has a long way to go to catch up with other countries.

Last weekend, he tweeted a photo of a Canadian liquor store being handing out free quick tests.

"This is a public health disaster for this country. Making them readily available is an important part of the pandemic response," he said.

People who lined up for testing in Everett on Monday couldn't wait for the results to come out.

Amy DeAvilla is one of many people trying to bring their family to the Everett site for COVID-19 testing, especially because over-the-counter testing is expensive and difficult to find.

DeAvilla said: "Finding a location, testing, and waiting in line is a big deal. So if you can do it in the comfort of your home, it would be great."

For DeAvilla, free testing at home will be a great help.

She added: “I think this is a good idea because people can be tested before they go to the holiday party and they will know that this will not be the case of a super communicator.”

I asked @MassGovernor again whether he would consider restoring statewide mask regulations as the number of cases increases. He said no, adding that the situation in the state was very different from last year. @NBC10Boston

Despite the surge in cases, Baker emphasized on Monday that Massachusetts is in a "very different situation" from this time last year due to the availability of vaccines, booster injections and testing. He said he has no plans to restore the statewide regulations on wearing masks.

"As we enter the winter, we know that we will continue to see new cases," he said. "But this winter is very different from last winter."

"This time we have more tools to fight COVID. Children stay at school and small businesses can shop on holidays. But COVID will not disappear anytime soon. If you are not vaccinated, please get vaccinated. If you are eligible Promote, you deserve to be promoted."

The Governor’s announcement on Monday coincides with the surge in COVID during the winter, and experts are scrambling to understand how the severely mutated omicron variant will affect the future of the pandemic.

Politicians and medical experts in Massachusetts have been urging people to be vaccinated against COVID-19 because of growing concerns about omicron variants.

"A perfect storm is setting off here, because many people's antibodies may have fallen, new mutations have appeared on the scene, the weather has turned cold, people have moved indoors, and it is now a holiday," said Dr. Newton Michael Mischaleck. -Pathologist at Wellesley Hospital.

In an episode of the NBC10 Boston weekly "COVID Q&A" series, local experts said that they are not sure whether the omicron variant can circumvent the existing COVID-19 vaccine or natural antibodies.

A team of Boston doctors talks about everything related to the COVID-19 pandemic every Tuesday at 10:30 am

Soon after, it was reported that the Pfizer vaccine was less effective against omicron variants. A new Israeli study confirmed that six months after the original Pfizer vaccine series, people had "almost no neutralizing ability" for the omicron variant. However, through booster injections, Pfizer vaccine provides significant protection against this variant.

Now everyone over the age of 16 can get booster shots. Friday is the first day the federal government stated that 16- and 17-year-olds can receive the third injection.

Monday is also an important deadline for Baker to sign a $4 billion spending plan that uses federal funds from the US Rescue Program Act and this year's surplus state funds. Baker has said that certain parts of the legislative proposal, such as the establishment of a 28-person advisory group, will slow down the process of fund allocation.

He said at a press conference on Monday morning that his office will provide more information about the bill later in the day.

The State Council News Service contributed to this report.